spiritual guidance

Spiritual Guidance – Why Is It So Hard To Find?

Spiritual Guidance In A Complex World

Spiritual guidance is a notion that can stir up many feelings and emotions. It is no wonder why. When we look around us, we find war, poverty and human suffering. In addition, technology may make it seem like we have lost our connection to our fellow human beings. We may feel alone and adrift, and have an unshakable sensation that something is missing. We may look to others for spiritual guidance, or we may look to change material circumstances in our lives in an effort to find a sense of fulfillment. Or, we may believe that performing great acts is necessary to achieve spiritual self-actualization.

It is not that these efforts are completely wrong, or that they cannot do some good in one’s life and in the life of others. However, it is often the case that a simple shift in perspective is all that is needed in order to find the spiritual guidance we yearn for. The most profound insights always come from self reflection and introspection, rather than from the advice of others. In addition, the most profound acts are the ones we perform everyday in the service of others.

Spirituality Does Not Require Grandiose Acts

If you want to live a spiritual life, live a life in service to others, and do so every day. No matter what you do for a living, you can always find ways to help others. You don’t need to be rich or have any special skills. You can hold the door open for someone who is having difficulty, you can help them carry their shopping bags, or you can say hello to someone who is lonely. If you have the time, you can find ways to get involved in your community, such as serving meals to homeless people or reading to people who have impaired vision. You can volunteer at a hospital to help people who are experiencing challenging illnesses. You can help tutor children to read, or teach them to draw, or use whatever skills you have to make a difference in the life of others. The point is that you don’t need to go to great lengths to be of service. As the opportunities present themselves, be who you are and do what you know how to do to help others.

You will find that more you help others, the greater the sense of fulfillment you will have. This is the foundation on which to build a spiritual life.

Spiritual Guidance – You Have The Answers Within

No matter which spiritual path you choose to follow, the answers you are seeking are within you. Nobody else can provide you with these. And, nobody knows you better than you know yourself. This is an essential point. When you meditate, you engage in self-reflection. You begin to see more and more clearly those aspects of your personality that are hindering your progress on the path. As difficult as these aspects of your personality may be to face, it is an essential exercise if you wish to progress. The more you engage in this type of introspection, the clearer the answers will become. You will begin to place greater trust in your own intuition, and will be better able to act upon it. You will also find that you make better decisions this way. Even though it may sometimes not seem “logical” to trust your intuition, you will find that when you do, outcomes will be better and will be more consistent with your spiritual needs.

Improve Your Intuition

As you can see, the more you can develop and use your own intuition, the better your decisions will be, and, the more your life will improve. When you take steps to develop your intuition, you will increase the quantity and quality of your spiritual guidance. So what can you do to have better access to this indispensable resource?

spiritual guidance


The more you meditate, the more you will engage in introspection. And, the more deeply you engage in introspection the more you will come to trust your intuition. There are many types of meditation available. Whichever one you might choose, make sure you establish a regular schedule for your sessions and that the type and program you choose are sustainable for you.

spiritual guidance

Take Care Of Your Body

Just like you cannot perform at your best in sports when your body is sick, you also cannot be at your most intuitive. Therefore, make sure you eat and drink right, get lots of exercise and sleep and refrain from smoking and drugs. Try to eat and drink unrefined foods as much as possible. In addition, drink lots of clean water. As always, moderation is always key!

Be Of Service To Others

Being of service to others will increase your sense of wellbeing and will help sharpen your sense of intuition. It also allows you to put good energy into the Universe so that you can also receive good things in return. Keep in mind what your unique skills and abilities are and how to put those into service of others.

Engage In Creative Activities That Make You Happy

It doesn’t matter what you do, just find activities that you enjoy and do them often. This could be drawing, painting, crafting, writing, or any other creative activity that brings you joy. This will not only help you, but it will put positive, creative energy into the universe and generate good karma.

Cultivate Patience

Remember that Rome was not built in a day. While some people might be born with a sharper intuition than others, the ability still needs to be developed and refined, sometimes over a period of years. There are many ways to develop your patience. Some include meditating, practicing mindfulness, learning to paint or draw, or even birdwatching.

Therefore, be patient and keep working on it! If you are sincere, success will come.

Do No Harm

The Hippocratic Oath doesn’t just apply to doctors. It applies to every human being. Although we may look around the world and see humans doing harm to each other, we do not need to engage in the same behavior. We can send good energy into the Universe by resolving to do no harm to others. By doing so, we help create peace in the world and remain open for positive energy to come into our own lives.

Spiritual Guidance – Conclusion

As you can see, the source of the spiritual guidance you seek is you. If you live a good life in service to others and work on yourself, it will pay dividends by helping you create the kind of life you want. It is not necessary to make drastic changes in your life. Figure out where you are now. Look no further that your immediate environment to opportunities to start today!