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Reiki And Psychic Readings

Why are Reiki and psychic readings such an effective combination? If you have practiced Reiki, or have received a Reiki treatment, you may know that psychic experiences often happen during treatments. There are many reason for this. Of course, Reiki produces a sense of calm in the person receiving it. You may even find that you doze off to sleep during the treatment, or that you even experience the sensation of leaving your body. You may also simply feel a much greater sense of calm. All of this is because during a Reiki treatment, we become much more receptive to psychic energy. The person receiving the Reiki treatment becomes easier to read, and person reading is better able to access their subconscious, and interpret the symbols they receive.

Reiki Benefits Both The Practitioner And The Recipient

Did you know that the Reiki master or practitioner also receives a treatment when they are giving Reiki? Remember that Reiki is universal energy, so the person providing the treatment is only a conduit. This is why the Reiki master does not become drained, as is often the case with other healing modalities. Just as is the case with the recipient, the Reiki master also benefits from a greater sense of calm and decreased resistance to messages from the subconscious. This makes it much easier for the Reiki master to interpret and communicate psychic impressions.

Increased Self Awareness

In previous articles, I have written about enhanced self-awareness as one of the major benefits of Reiki. This is very important because it helps awaken your inner master. You inner master is the aspect of yourself who knows you best, and who knows everything about your being. Often, information communicated during a reading will encourage you to take actions that can help you realize your soul’s purpose. Perhaps fear has been preventing you from acting. Or, it may be conditioning you experienced during your childhood.  Whatever the source of the blockages, encouragement from the spirit world may be all that is required to move past the fear and take positive action. Once you take positive action, and experience a good outcome, this can help you move past the fear in similar future situations and trust your own intuition.

Reiki and Psychic Readings For Better Health

If you are experiencing stress or have aches, pains or other physical conditions, you do not function at your best on any level. Your entire being is impacted, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many times, information that comes through during readings can help you achieve better health. Of course, we always begin with a Reiki session, which has a positive effect on your nervous system. This alone can help with many conditions. During the session, impressions may come through in regards to current diet, or mental or emotional factors that may be preventing you from feeling your best. This information can help you know when it’s time to follow up with your doctor, or take additional measures.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, I am not a doctor, and the information that comes through during readings and Reiki sessions is intended for informational purposes. It is not intended to replace the care of qualified medical practitioners. Always follow up with your doctor.

Life Information

In addition to the information mentioned above, it is also possible that other information comes through during readings that can help you in your life. For example, names of important people, astrological signs, guidance to help you remain safe, or work or school related information. Sometimes, information regarding past lives will also be presented, if it relates to your present life. It is important to always come with some questions in mind that you would like to have answered. Often, the questions that are at the top of your mind are the ones I answer. You may not even need to ask them out loud. During the reading part of the session, we might look at the tarot cards, or I might ask you to hold an object, such as a key, to tune into your vibration. This is called psychometry. Or, I may simply read your energy without using cards or any other tools.  However we do your reading, it is important to realize that the energy always comes from the same source.

How To Get The Most From Your Session

Here are some suggestions to get the most out of your session.

  • Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Refrain from taking intoxicants for a least 24 hours prior to your session.
  • Turn off your cell phone and eliminate any other possible distractions during the session.
  • During the session, do avoid giving me too much information, but if something makes sense, please do give me a “yes”, so I know that the information is making sense.
  • Reiki is highly effective for a wide range of conditions, but remember that you still need to take responsibility for your health. For example, you might receive Reiki because you have bronchitis, however, you should also stop smoking if you smoke!
  • Come with an open mind. Reiki is universal energy and universal intelligence. It goes where it is most needed. So, you may physically be experiencing headaches, for example, but feel an emotional release of past trauma. The root cause is often something we may not expect.
  • In the days following your session, you might want to keep a journal and jot down your experiences. You might notice a range of sensations, including an emotional release, changes in dream patterns, psychic impressions, or various physical sensations. This is because your being is shedding the energy it no longer needs. There is a clearing taking place. Taking note of these experiences can help you process them more easily and ensure that they will ultimately contribute to your spiritual growth.
  • Always continue the care you are receiving from your doctor or other licensed medical professional.


Receiving a Reiki treatment with a psychic reading will be an uplifting experience that will help promote growth and greater spiritual awareness. If you have any questions prior to your session, please give us a call at 438-788-7796. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey.

The post Reiki and Psychic Readings appeared first on Dave Lewis Psychic & Reiki Master.
