
How Many Reiki Sessions Are Needed?

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How Many Reiki Sessions Are Needed?

How many Reiki sessions are needed? In general, I recommend at least 4 sessions in most cases in order to give Reiki a chance to work. This will also give Reiki the opportunity to permeate your being on all levels. However,  it also depends on your reasons for seeking Reiki, and the conditions you may have.  A cadence of about once or twice per week for most conditions is ideal. This will also help to make the positive shifts in energy more permanent. It will also give you time to integrate these changes into your life. Remember, too, that Reiki works on multiple levels, including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, so the number of sessions will also depend on the level and nature of the blockage.

All of that said, it is important that a Reiki master or practitioner always respect the free will of the client. While I recommend starting with 4 sessions at a cadence of once or twice a week, the ultimate decision is always up to you, the client. You are never obligated to come for a specific number of sessions. Of course, I suggest using your own intuition when deciding how many Reiki sessions are needed.

The number of sessions you choose to have will also depend on your condition and its cause. Remember that while a condition, on the surface, may seem like it would be easy to resolve, the root of it may require more work. Likewise, it is often possible to obtain good results in a short period of time for conditions that may seem quite challenging or chronic.

You should always bear in mind that any condition, can have mental, emotional or spiritual causes at its root. A good Reiki practitioner is intuitive, and will use that intuition before, during and after the session to help pinpoint the blockage and its root cause and direct the energy there. Therefore, a series of at least 4 Reiki sessions will allow you and the practitioner sufficient time to get to the root of any issue.

Head, Neck and Back Pain

As always, 4 sessions with a Reiki master is a good place to start. In my opinion, it is best to consider getting one session per week. You will probably find that Reiki treatments can help by reducing tension and stress in the affected areas. If you have had an accident, or have experienced head, neck and back pain over a long period of time, regular Reiki treatments for a longer period of time may be something you wish to consider. It will always depend on the root cause of the issue. In all cases, Reiki treatments will help ensure the flow of energy up and down your spine. This energy flow is essential for balanced health.

Remember that it is always possible that you experience what people sometimes call a healing incident after a reiki session. This phenomena can include some mild discomfort, as the body gets rid of energy that it no longer needs. As with all health conditions, it is important to continue any treatment you are already receiving from qualified medical practitioners.

Psychological Issues

Since Reiki also works on the mental level in addition to the physical level, you may experience relief from psychological issues when receiving Reiki treatments. Start with one session per week for 4 weeks, and then talk to your Reiki master to see if more are recommended. Most of the time, clients will experience and almost immediate relief of stress and tension when the treatment begins. As with all conditions, if the issues your are experiencing are long standing or deep seated, you may want to plan to have a Reiki session once weekly over an extended period. People have reported relief from such conditions as anxiety, depression or simply a sense of sadness.

As in all cases, you should also consult a medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional when facing such issues. Reiki should not replace the care you receive from these professions, but rather complement it. I always encourage clients to seek counselling when appropriate.

Karmic Healing With Reiki

The word karma simply means action. This implies that when we take any action, that action causes a reaction. Whether that reaction is positive or negative depends on the nature of the action taken. Many traditions believe that we incur positive or negative karma as a result of how we think act and speak. Karma can be the result of actions we have taken in this life, or in previous lives. The result of negative karma may include physical illnesses or other imbalances in your being. However, you may feel the effects of karma in any area of your life.  That is why it is important to remember that Reiki is not only a system of healing, but also a system that can help you experience a greater sense of self awareness. This includes awareness of your karmic issues.

Reiki can therefore be especially helpful in getting to the root of such imbalances.  By attuning ourselves with universal energy, we can begin to experience greater awareness of actions that have caused us to incur negative karma. This is because the attunements “lift the veil”, so to speak, on the presence of Reiki in our life and bring us closer to the universe. We can then find the courage to face these issues so that we can eventually resolve these issues.

When working on conditions with karmic causes, the Reiki practitioner can send the energy to the root causes. They can do so even if the root cause was in a previous incarnation  Daily meditation on the 5 Reiki principles will also help you practice forgiveness and acceptance. For karmic issues, you can also begin by planning for four sessions. However, you might begin to see an improvement after only a single session.

Physiological Issues

In most cases, there is a spiritual or energetic component to any physical imbalances in the body. However, energetic imbalances might take years to manifest as physical ailments. This is why it is important to have a good attitude in general. Addressing issues such as hate, fear, or other conditions are of paramount importance. Medical science has since come to understand the impacts these negative emotions can have on the physical body. This is why the power of positive thinking has become common knowledge. However, it is always important to note that simply deciding that one is not not going to harbor negative emotions is not enough. This will only cause you to give more energy to these emotions. This is where regular Reiki session can help by providing a means to manage your emotions.

In addition, it is always helpful to seek out medical advice from qualified professionals, such as dieticians and naturopaths, who can help ensure that what are eating or drinking is not contributing to the problem. Often times, when the condition is addressed on multiple levels (diet, exercise, herbs recommended by a naturopath or similar treatments), one or two Reiki sessions will be enough to notice a marked improvement. Of course, conventional medicine also plays an important role. You should always seek advice from a qualified doctor when facing physical issues. It is very helpful to develop a comprehensive treatment plan with all of your providers.

A good example that illustrates this point would be the case of migraines. It is well known that consuming certain substances, such as caffeine or alcohol, may contribute to migraines. Other dietary factors, such as too much red meat or dairy products may also play a role. In these cases, the help of a registered dietician and be instrumental in bringing about an improvement, in addition to regular Reiki sessions to reduce stress. You may also want to investigate other modalities, such as acupuncture and chiropractic care. Again, it is best to begin with 4 Reiki sessions and then decide with your Reiki master whether additional sessions are needed.

Other Specific Conditions

Because of its potential impact on the autonomic nervous system, as well as its ability to reduce stress and promote well-being, Reiki may be able to help you manage additional conditions. If you would like to know how many Reiki sessions are needed for these conditions, and how Reiki may be able to help, please check out the following articles:

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the number of Reiki sessions you will need depend on a number of different factors. The nature and cause of your condition are both very important. Your Reiki master should use your intuition to guide you. However, even this should not be a replacement for your own inner guidance. As you continue to have Reiki sessions, or if you have attunements, you will you will find that your intuition becomes stronger. So talk to your Reiki master, and be open to your own intuition. If you do so, you will be able to determine how many Reiki sessions you need.