How To Become A Reiki Healer

How to Become a Reiki Healer

If you have been doing research on Reiki as a complementary modality, you may be wondering how you can become a Reiki healer. In nutshell, in order to become a Reiki healer, you need to seek out a Reiki master and receive a series of attunements. After these attunements, and as a Reiki healer, you can tap into the universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, both for yourself, and for others. A good Reiki master will also offer opportunities to practice after the attunement, so that you can hone your healing skills.

Before diving into how you might learn and practice Reiki, I feel it is important to clarify a couple of key concepts. First, the process of learning Reiki involves a re-discovery of abilities that are innate to all of us. We all have access to this energy, and we always have. It is just that, over the course of time, and because of the cares and concerns of everyday life, we have largely forgotten how to connect with it. It is the attunement process that helps remove the blockages that have been present for a long time. In that sense, you are not really becoming a Reiki healer when you receive attunements. Rather, you are only uncovering the healer already within!

During a Reiki treatment, Reiki practitioners help to re-balance a person’s energy, bringing the person’s entire being back into harmony. During your training with your Reiki master, you will learn about the basic hand positions, how to balance the chakras, and other fundamentals of energy work. This makes Reiki perfect as a complementary modality that can be practiced along with conventional treatments. It should never replace the care and treatment of a licensed doctor or other medical professional.

Understanding Reiki

Before beginning your journey as a Reiki healer, it is important to understand the fundamental principles and concepts underlying this ancient practice. Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: “Rei” meaning “universal” and “Ki” meaning “life force energy.”  This energy flows through all living beings and can be found in everything around us. Furthermore, it has existed since the beginning of time. However, over time, we have gradually “forgotten” our connection to this energy. Daily life, our own thoughts and emotions tend to get in the way. The attunement process simply helps us remember and re-attune to that energy.

When we forget or disrupt the flow of Reiki or imbalances, or imbalances in the energy flow develop, it can lead to illness and distress. As a Reiki healer, you will learn to channel this healing energy through your hands to restore balance and promote healing in the recipient, and in yourself. It is important to note that imbalances on the energetic level, may appear long before the manifestation of physical symptoms. So, Reiki is a great modality to use as soon as an imbalance is noticed on the physical level.

Cultivate Awareness and Know Your Intentions

When embarking on the journey to becoming a Reiki healer , it is a good idea to prepare yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Cultivate cultivate a sense self-awareness and setting clear intentions for your journey. You should take time to reflect on your motivations and aspirations for learning Reiki. Ask yourself what impact you wish to make on the world through this practice. Ask yourself what draws you to Reiki. Imagine how you envision it transforming your life and the lives of others. Establishing a strong foundation of intention and purpose will guide you through the entire process. Reiki can be a very profound way of improving your own life, as well as the lives of those around you, and the world.

Keep in mind that in addition to being a system of healing, Reiki is also a system that can lead you to greater spiritual awareness. I recommend reviewing the 5 Reiki principles all throughout your Reiki journey.

Seek Reiki Training

To become a Reiki healer, formal training and attunement from a Reiki master are essential. Seek out reputable Reiki practitioners and research their credentials and experience. Talk to your potential Reiki master and make sure you feel comfortable with them. Ask your Reiki master how the classes are structured, what to bring, and how best to prepare.

Look for certified Reiki training programs that align with your values and goals. Reiki training typically consists of three levels: Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, and Reiki Master Level. Each level builds upon the previous one, providing a deeper understanding of the practice and expanding your ability to channel and utilize Reiki energy. Between each level, it goes without saying that you should practice as much as you can to cultivate your skill and intuition.

Embrace Self-Healing

Reiki healing begins with self-healing and self-examination. This is an extremely important concept. You can only reasonably expect to heal others when you know how to heal yourself.

Especially in the first months after the attunement, I recommend that new practitioners give themselves Reiki everyday. Also, you should avail yourself of any Reiki shares or exchanges that your Reiki master may offer. As you progress through your training, take time everyday for self-care. Regularly practice Reiki self-treatments to cleanse and balance your own energy. This process not only strengthens your connection to the universal life force energy but also allows you to experience firsthand the transformative power of Reiki. Remember, by healing yourself, you become a conduit for healing others.

In addition, review the 5 Reiki principles on a daily basis and examine yourself using the principles are your framework. This can be a powerful way to not only grow as a healer, but also as a person.

Practicing on Others

After establishing a solid foundation in self-healing, it’s time to offer your healing abilities to others. Seek opportunities to practice Reiki on family, friends, or volunteers. Offer your services free of charge or at a nominal fee, ensuring that you create a safe and comfortable environment for your recipients. Through these practice sessions, you’ll refine your skills, deepen your intuition, and gain confidence in your ability to channel and direct Reiki energy.

Another important point is to not stop with humans. You can use Reiki to raise the vibration of plants, animals, and objects, too. Practicing on pets, on sick plants or on situations like job interviews or important conversations will help you surround yourself with the positive energy of Reiki in all aspects of your life.

Continuing Education and Growth

Remember that a true Reiki healer never stops learning and growing. Always allow yourself to grow in the Reiki energy. In addition, engage in ongoing education and enrichment to expand your knowledge and understanding of Reiki. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to Reiki and other holistic healing modalities. Explore complementary practices such as meditation, crystal healing, or sound therapy, which can enhance your Reiki practice. Connect with a community of like-minded individuals to share experiences, insights, and learn from one another’s journeys.

Ethical Considerations

As a Reiki healer, it is crucial to maintain high ethical standards. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of your clients. Establish clear boundaries and communicate openly and honestly with those you work with. Practice self-care and energetic hygiene to prevent burnout and ensure your own well-being. Adhere to professional guidelines and codes of conduct established by reputable Reiki organizations.

Sharing the Gift of Reiki

Once you have gained confidence in your skills and feel ready to share your gift with others, explore opportunities to establish your practice. Consider offering Reiki sessions in wellness centers, holistic clinics, or your own private practice. Develop a professional website and create a strong online presence to reach a wider audience. Utilize social media platforms to share knowledge, insights, and upcoming events related to Reiki. Seek collaborations with other healers and practitioners to create a holistic healing environment. Remember that the best reason for becoming a Reiki practitioner is to help others, the more you share, the more you yourself will grow in the energy.


Becoming a Reiki healer is a transformative journey that requires dedication, practice, and a deep connection to the universal life force energy. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can embark on a path of self-discovery, healing, and service to others. Remember, the true essence of being a Reiki healer lies not only in your ability to channel energy but also in your intention, compassion, and commitment to the well-being of those you touch. Embrace this beautiful journey, and let the healing energy of Reiki guide you towards a life of purpose, balance, and fulfillment.


What To Wear For Reiki

What To Wear For Reiki

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that focuses on the channeling of universal energy for relaxation and and many other benefits. It has gained immense popularity in recent years. It promotes balance, harmony, and overall well-being. While the practitioner’s skill and the recipient’s receptivity are vital for a successful Reiki session, many individuals wonder about the appropriate attire to wear during the healing process. In this article, we will explore the significance of clothing choices in Reiki sessions and provide practical tips on what to wear to optimize your experience. This will help you make the most out of your Reiki session.

Understanding the Role of Clothing in Reiki

Although Reiki can permeate all surfaces and materials, clothing still plays a vital role in creating a conducive environment for Reiki healing. Above all, whatever you decide to wear, remember that it should be comfortable for you, the receiver of Reiki.

Remember that the energy flow in a Reiki session can be very subtle, and certain types of clothing can either enhance or hinder this flow. Here’s why the right attire matters when it comes to Reiki:

  • Comfort and Relaxation: Comfortable clothing promotes relaxation, allowing you to surrender to the healing process. Loose-fitting clothes made from breathable materials such as cotton or linen are the best, as they enable unrestricted movement and prevent discomfort.
  • Energetic Connection: Natural fibers like cotton and silk are preferred, as they promote a harmonious energetic connection. While Reiki can still permeate other types of materials, such as those with dies, or those made of synthetic materials, these natural fibers are certainly the best.
  • Symbolism and Intention: Some individuals choose to wear specific colors or symbols during Reiki sessions to enhance their experience. For instance, white or light-colored clothing symbolizes purity, clarity, and openness, which can facilitate a deeper connection with the healing energy. However, this is totally up to you and will not affect the outcome of the Reiki session.

What to Wear for an Optimal Reiki Experience

Now that we understand the importance of clothing in Reiki sessions, let’s delve into practical tips to help you dress appropriately for an optimal experience when receiving a Reiki treatment. We will look at each of the above points in greater detail.

Loose and Comfortable Clothing

Loose fitting clothes are not only comfortable but also highly appropriate for Reiki sessions. When it comes to choosing attire for a Reiki session, the emphasis is on freedom of movement and promoting relaxation. Loose-fitting garments allow you to move easily and comfortably, ensuring that your body isn’t constrained or restricted during the session. Flowing dresses, loose pants, or comfortable yoga attire are excellent choices.

I recommend clothing made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. These natural materials allow air circulation, preventing any discomfort that may arise from being too warm or sweaty during the session. Additionally, they contribute to creating a calming environment that supports deep relaxation.

Loose fitting clothes also play a role in facilitating the energy flow during a Reiki session. Loose clothing allows for unimpeded energy flow and ensures that the healing energy can reach all areas of your body without obstruction.

By wearing loose fitting clothes during a Reiki session, you promote a sense of ease and freedom, allowing you to fully surrender to the healing process and receive the maximum benefits of this gentle and transformative practice.

Natural Fabrics

If you choose natural fabrics for Reiki sessions, it is highly beneficial for creating an optimal healing environment. Natural fabrics not only enhance comfort but also contribute to the energetic flow and connection within the session.

Cotton, for example, is breathable and allows for air circulation. This prevents overheating and promoting a comfortable experience. Its soft texture feels gentle against the skin, encouraging relaxation and ease during the session. Cotton is also known for its ability to absorb moisture, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout.

Linen, another natural fabric, offers excellent breathability and coolness, making it a great choice for Reiki sessions, especially in warmer climates. It allows for efficient air circulation, keeping you fresh and comfortable. Linen’s natural fibers have a crisp and light feel, adding to the overall sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Silk, with its smooth and luxurious texture, is also favored by many during Reiki sessions. Silk is known for its natural sheen and gentle touch against the skin. It offers a sense of elegance and comfort, promoting a serene and refined atmosphere. Additionally, silk has moisture-wicking properties, helping to regulate body temperature and ensuring a comfortable experience.

Natural fabrics have a harmonious and supportive energy that aligns well with the principles of Reiki healing. They facilitate the free flow of energy throughout the body, allowing the healing energy to reach every corner. By wearing natural fabrics, you create a nurturing and energetically balanced space that enhances the effectiveness and depth of your Reiki experience.

Light Colors

Wearing light colors during Reiki treatments can significantly enhance your overall experience and energy dynamics within the session. Light colors, such as white, pastel shades, and soothing hues, can have a calming effect on the mind and create an atmosphere of purity and openness.

White, in particular, is often associated with purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. Wearing white during a Reiki session can help evoke a sense of inner peace, allowing you to connect more deeply with the healing energy. It symbolizes a clean slate, enabling you to release any negativity or emotional baggage.

Pastel shades, such as soft blues, pinks, and greens, evoke a gentle and soothing ambiance. They promote relaxation, harmony, and a sense of tranquility. These light colors can aid in cultivating a serene and receptive state of mind, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the Reiki treatment.

Light colors also have the advantage of reflecting and amplifying natural light, which contributes to a brighter and more uplifting environment. This can positively impact the energy flow and enhance the practitioner’s ability to connect with your energy field.

While light colors are often recommended, it’s important to trust your intuition and wear what resonates with you personally. Some individuals may find that other colors hold specific meanings or evoke certain emotions that support their healing journey. Ultimately, the choice of color should be guided by your own preferences and energetic connection.

By wearing light colors, you set the intention for a peaceful and receptive state, inviting healing and balance into your Reiki session. The harmonious energy generated by light-colored attire can enhance your overall experience, enabling you to tap into the profound healing potential of Reiki.

Minimalist Jewelry

Keep jewelry to a minimum during a Reiki session. Metal accessories can interfere with the energy flow, so opt for simple, lightweight pieces or consider removing them altogether. You can wear crystals, such as clear quartz or amethyst if they hold personal significance. However, it is best to be free of jewelry during your Reiki session.


Reiki sessions typically involve lying down or sitting for an extended period. As body temperature can fluctuate during energy work, layering your clothing allows you to adjust according to your comfort level. This ensures that you remain cozy and relaxed throughout the session. Many people report feeling warm during a session, so it’s best to plan accordingly.

What If I Don’t Have Any Of Those Clothes?

Even if you don’t have any of the kinds of clothes we described above, don’t worry! Your Reiki treatment will still be effective. Remember that your comfort is most important. If you wear what is most comfortable for you, you will be sure to get the most out of your Reiki session.


In the realm of Reiki healing, clothing choices are more than just superficial considerations. They influence the energy flow and help create a serene atmosphere for a transformative experience. By prioritizing comfort, choosing natural fabrics, and embracing the symbolic power of colors and minimalism, you can optimize your Reiki sessions and deepen your connection with the healing energy. Remember, your attire should be an extension of your intention to heal and rejuvenate both body and mind.

How To Prepare For A Reiki Session

How To Prepare For A Reiki Session

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that has gained popularity over the years for its ability to promote relaxation. It can also help you reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. Whether you’ve never had Reiki or have experienced it before, preparing for a Reiki session can help create a good environment environment for a healing experience. In this article, we will explore how to prepare for a Reiki session to maximize its benefits.

Understanding Reiki

Before delving into the preparation process, you should have a basic understanding of Reiki. Reiki is a holistic healing practice that focuses on channeling universal life force energy through a practitioner to a recipient. This universal energy is all around us, in every living thing and in every object. It has existed since the beginning of time.

The intention when channeling Reiki is to promote balance, healing, and deep relaxation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Reiki is non-invasive and can be administered with the practitioner’s hands either gently touching or held slightly above the recipient’s body.

It is important to note at this point that the practitioner does not channel the Reiki into the recipient. Rather, the recipient draws the into their being through the practitioner. In addition, the recipient always remains fully clothed.

Research and Choose a Reiki Practitioner

When preparing for a Reiki session, it’s crucial to select a qualified and reputable Reiki practitioner. It is a good idea to research various practitioners in your area, read reviews, and consider personal recommendations. Look for practitioners who are certified and have extensive experience. A practitioner with a warm and welcoming demeanor will help you feel comfortable during the session. It is also a good idea to select a practitioner who regularly does Reiki on themselves.

Clarify Your Intentions

Take some time to reflect on your intentions for the Reiki session. Why would you like to receive Reiki?  What would you like to address or achieve? Whether it’s physical healing, emotional release, or spiritual growth, setting clear intentions helps focus the energy during the session. Write down your intentions and bring them with you to the session. You may share these with your Reiki master if you feel comfortable doing so. Meditate on the fact that Reiki both as a healing energy, as well as an energy that promote self-awareness.

Schedule the Session

Contact the chosen Reiki practitioner to schedule your session. Discuss any specific requirements or concerns you may have. It’s important to choose a time when you can relax and not be rushed before or after the session. Ensure you have ample time for self-care and integration after the session as well.

Hygiene and Comfort

On the day of your Reiki session, prioritize personal hygiene. Take a shower or bath to cleanse your body, ensuring you feel fresh and comfortable. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing that allows unrestricted movement and promotes relaxation. Avoid wearing heavy jewelry or accessories that may interfere with the session. You may also wish to do some stretching or take a walk prior to the session. However, it is best to avoid any strenuous exercise to avoid unnecessary muscle aches etc.

Mindset and Emotional Preparation

Preparing your mental and emotional state is essential for a successful Reiki session. Clear your mind from distractions and create an intention of openness and receptivity. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to help calm and center yourself before the session. Address any emotional concerns or stressors beforehand to create a space of emotional stability.

Nutrition and Hydration

Maintaining a balanced diet and proper hydration is important for overall well-being and can enhance the effects of a Reiki session. Consume a light and nutritious meal a few hours before the session to avoid feeling overly full or hungry during the session. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water to support your body’s energy flow. Also, you should avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to your Reiki session. Beyond that, I don’t recommend any specific diet, other than eating unrefined foods as much as possible.

Create a Relaxing Environment

Preparing the physical space for your Reiki session contributes to a relaxed atmosphere. If you are receiving Reiki in your own home or space, you may cleanse the room by burning sage, incense, or using essential oils to clear any stagnant energy. Dim the lights or use soft, ambient lighting. Play soothing music or nature sounds to create a serene atmosphere. Consider using candles or salt lamps to enhance the ambiance.

A good Reiki master will have prepared a quiet, relaxing environment in their office. They may play relaxing music, if you wish, or white noise at a low volume. The lighting will be subdued, and the temperature will be comfortable.

Leave Distractions Behind

Before the session begins, ensure you minimize distractions. Switch off or silence electronic devices to avoid interruptions. It is also a good idea to remove all jewelry. Let your loved ones know that you need uninterrupted time for your session, ensuring privacy and tranquility. Removing distractions allows you to fully immerse yourself in the Reiki experience.

If you are receiving Reiki in an office setting, your Reiki master will ensure that the setting is distraction free.

Communicate with Your Practitioner

Upon arriving for your Reiki session, communicate any specific concerns or questions you may have to the practitioner. They will provide information about the session process, answer your queries, and address any apprehensions. Establishing open communication builds trust and ensures a more tailored and effective session. This would be the best time during the process to communicate any specific areas of concern you would like to work on.

Relax and Trust the Process

During the Reiki session, let go of any expectations and surrender to the healing energy. Trust in the practitioner’s expertise and the intelligence of your body’s innate healing abilities. More importantly, trust the innate wisdom of Reiki. It will flow to where it is needed. Relax your body, breathe deeply, and be receptive to the sensations and experiences that arise. Allow the energy to flow freely and embrace the healing journey.


Preparing for a Reiki session is an important part of enhancing the experience and maximizing its benefits. From choosing a qualified practitioner to creating a serene environment and nurturing your mental and emotional state, each step contributes to a deeper, more transformative healing experience. By following these guidelines, you can prepare yourself for a Reiki session that promotes relaxation, balance, and holistic well-being. Embrace the power of Reiki and open yourself to its profound healing potential.


What Is Reiki Good For?

What Is Reiki Good For?

If you are wondering what Reiki is good for, the answer is a whole range of things! First and foremost, it is important to note that Reiki is not intended to replace care and treatment by a medical doctor or other licensed healthcare professional. Rather, you can use Reiki to heal at levels not typically addressed by traditional medicine. This can, in turn, have a positive effect on the issue you would like to address. For example, it a well-known fact that negative emotions can have an impact on our physical health.

In addition, if you are feeling anxiety or stress, you might not be as motivated to take care of your physical health as you normally would be. In these two examples, Reiki would be a perfect addition to your health and wellness plan. Reiki treatments can help you restore a sense of calm and balance. It can help you quiet the negative emotions you are feeling. This, in turn, may help lead to improvements in the effects of these emotions.

Reiki Can Lead To Greater Self Awareness

Sometimes, we are not fully aware of the depth of our suffering. Often this only becomes apparent once Reiki treatments begin and the recipient experiences a healing incident. A healing incident occurs when greater awareness is reached. This causes blockages to be released at the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual levels. Many people experience this as something of a catharsis. As these blockages are released, we may experience some discomfort, or become emotional, sometimes needing to cry during the process. However, once this has been successfully navigated, we often experience a greater sense of peace and wholeness.

A greater sense of self awareness can lead us not only to discover the root causes of our suffering, it can also lead us to take greater responsibility for our own healing. This is absolutely imperative because in order to be healed, we have to want to be healed. We need to take responsibility for our own eating, our stress levels and our diet. It will be much more difficult to benefit from Reiki sessions if you are indulging and poor health habits!

Along with increased self awareness, may also come a great sense of spirituality. Reiki brings us into contact with universal life energy, which contains infinite wisdom. When you are in closer contact with this energy, you may experience greater clarity about your spiritual path. Or, you may realise that you have been acting out of fear, and experience a increased sense of courage to act in ways that are more in line with your true self.

It Can Lead To Amazing Changes In Your Life’s Path

Because attunements allow us to access a universal wisdom that knows exactly what is right for us, many people report experiencing great life changes before and after their attunements. For example, some people might change jobs, or move, or experience changes in their relationships with others. Although these changes may initially be scary, they are always for the best. Just as we sometimes do not realize the depth of our suffering prior to working with Reiki, we have also often forgotten how to listen to our inner voice. Reiki can get us back on the path that we have strayed from.

Reiki May Reduce Anxiety And Lead To Other Benefits

It is important to note, that although there has been more interest in recent years in studying the effects of Reiki, large-scale, formal studies remain relatively rare. However, there have been some, and although they have a limited scope, the results have been largely positive. As always, we recommend seeking the advice of a qualified medical doctor.

There have been studies that have shown that, in oncology patients, Reiki treatments have led to an increased sense of well-being, pain relief, better sleep and less anxiety. Researchers also noted a reduction in fatigue and better sleep in the participants. Some other studies, too, have noted improvements in anxiety and fatigue. Other studies have shown improvements in blood pressure, breathing and anxiety. In a study on the effects of Reiki on oncology patients, 82% of participants found the Reiki session helpful, about 73% plan to continue using Reiki and about 82% recommended Reiki to others.

We encourage you to perform your own research on Reiki when deciding whether treatments and attunements may be right for you.

Reiki Treats The Whole Person

As you can see, Reiki does not only have physical benefits because it works every level of our being. This is, in my opinion, the most important thing that Reiki is good for, namely, treating the whole person. It is only in recent years that mainstream science has begun to recognize the impacts of factors such as stress and beliefs on physical health. Consequently, mainstream medicine often only treats the physical or the mental when trying to heal illnesses. The great strength of Reiki is that is complementary to mainstream medicine and can be used treat dimensions of our being that science is only now coming to recognize.

Handling physical health issues can be challenging. Reiki can help by lessening the emotional, spiritual and mental impact of those challenges, leading to improvements on all levels, including the physical.


How To Learn Reiki

How To Learn Reiki

If you are wondering how to learn Reiki, you will be happy to hear that it is very easy to learn! Students always learn Reiki from Reiki masters. They are the only ones who can pass on attunements and open your chakras to the Reiki energy. After you have been attuned, so much of the process will involve simply being still and listening. In fact, in my experience, the best way to “learn” Reiki is to be receptive to it and to allow it to guide you. I use this as a guideline in my own, everyday life, as well as when I am working on others. In my own life, I try to listen as closely as possible to hear where Reiki is guiding me. This means suspending my conscious thinking to the greatest extent possible and listening to my intuition. I apply this to simple, day to day tasks such as deciding which foods to eat, or how to exercise right up to career choices and other major decisions.

In my practice, I begin each session by getting a sense of the recipient’s energy, how their aura feels, and where any blockages may exist. I let Reiki guide me as to where my hands should be placed and how long to remain in each position. So, although I have been a Reiki master for many years, I am still learning Reiki every day.

The Attunement Process

There is, of course, more to learning Reiki than simply being attuned and then listening. Your Reiki journey will begin with a series of attunements, each one an initiation into Reiki. The attunement process will open up the Reiki student’s chakras to receive this universal energy. As soon as the attunement happens, Reiki begins flowing, and continues flowing for the rest of your life. Reiki is abundant and around us all the time, and it can never be turned off.

It is this process that makes Reiki unique among all healing modalities. The practitioner does not do anything to create the healing energy. Instead, it flows through them. This is also why, every time a practitioner gives a Reiki treatment, they receive one too. Another example of the fact that the more good we give, the more good we receive.

Learning Reiki After The Attunement

Once you have received the attunement, I recommend that you practice giving Reiki treatments as much as possible. By doing so, you will ensure that you continue learning in Reiki every day. You will ensure, as Phyllis Lei Furumoto said, that Reiki will continue to teach you. Also, you will continue to give to others. This is an important aspect of living the Reiki principle of gratitude.

Practice Reiki by giving treatments to family members and friends, to pets, to plants, and even to objects. Remember that everything has a vibration, so if you want to attract money into your life, give Reiki to your wallet or to your ATM cards! If a loved one is suffering from any kind of condition, and they agree, give them Reiki treatments. The same holds true with pets. I have given Reiki treatments to dogs who have benefited greatly from it.

By now, you can see that the best way to learn Reiki is to practice Reiki.

How To Choose A Reiki Teacher

I am a strong believer that the law of attraction will bring students and teachers, practitioners and recipients, together who can benefit each others. Therefore, I recommend listening to your intuition when choosing a Reiki teacher. However, it is perfecly fine to ask questions, in fact, I would definitely suggest you do! Some questions you may want to ask a potential teacher may include:

  • How long have you been practicing?
  • Do you perform Reiki on yourself every day?
  • What is your approach when providing someone with a Reiki treatment?
  • How much do you charge?
  • Why did you begin learning Reiki?
  • How would you describe your own Reiki journey?
  • What should I expect during the attunement process?
  • Do you have regular Reiki clinics?
  • What will be the opportunities to practice after the attunement?

These are just a few of the questions you may consider asking a potential Reiki teacher.

Which Questions Should You Ask Of Yourself?

Even more important than the questions you ask your potential Reiki master, are the questions that you should be asking yourself. Look deeply within yourself at the reasons that are motivating you to learn Reiki, and ask yourself why you would like to learn Reiki. Meditate on these questions and observe the responses you receive.

Some possible questions to consider include:

  • Why do I want to learn Reiki?
  • Which factors in my own life have led me to this decision?
  • How will I be able to use Reiki to contribute to a better world?
  • Which changes have I already noticed in my own life in the time leading up to the Reiki attunements?
  • Do I have sufficient time/energy/resources to commit to learning and practicing Reiki?

Whatever the questions you ask yourself, you should make sure you have the highest motives. It is not necessary to dedicate your entire life to Reiki, but you should carefully consider how your journey will impact you, the people around you, and the world at large.

How Much Can I Expect To Pay To Learn Reiki?

The exact amount you will pay to learn Reiki and receive your attunements is likely to vary greatly depending on where you are located, and with whom you study. There was a time when Mrs. Takata charged $10,000 for training as a Reiki master. While there are still some masters who charge this, most masters you will find now charge considerably less. The same holds true for levels I and II. You can generally expect to pay up to several hundred dollars for Reiki attunements today depending on the Reiki master. Ask the Reiki masters you are considering and go with the one you feel most drawn to.


As you can see, learning Reiki is not difficult. It is a process that should begin with deep reflection and introspection, and should continue with questions asked of your Reiki master. Even after many years of practicing Reiki, you will continue to learn new things and as you do, your ability to help others will increase accordingly. Welcome to the wonderful journey of Reiki!


How Many Reiki Sessions Are Needed?

How Many Reiki Sessions Are Needed?

How many Reiki sessions are needed? In general, I recommend at least 4 sessions in most cases in order to give Reiki a chance to work. This will also give Reiki the opportunity to permeate your being on all levels. However,  it also depends on your reasons for seeking Reiki, and the conditions you may have.  A cadence of about once or twice per week for most conditions is ideal. This will also help to make the positive shifts in energy more permanent. It will also give you time to integrate these changes into your life. Remember, too, that Reiki works on multiple levels, including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, so the number of sessions will also depend on the level and nature of the blockage.

All of that said, it is important that a Reiki master or practitioner always respect the free will of the client. While I recommend starting with 4 sessions at a cadence of once or twice a week, the ultimate decision is always up to you, the client. You are never obligated to come for a specific number of sessions. Of course, I suggest using your own intuition when deciding how many Reiki sessions are needed.

The number of sessions you choose to have will also depend on your condition and its cause. Remember that while a condition, on the surface, may seem like it would be easy to resolve, the root of it may require more work. Likewise, it is often possible to obtain good results in a short period of time for conditions that may seem quite challenging or chronic.

You should always bear in mind that any condition, can have mental, emotional or spiritual causes at its root. A good Reiki practitioner is intuitive, and will use that intuition before, during and after the session to help pinpoint the blockage and its root cause and direct the energy there. Therefore, a series of at least 4 Reiki sessions will allow you and the practitioner sufficient time to get to the root of any issue.

Head, Neck and Back Pain

As always, 4 sessions with a Reiki master is a good place to start. In my opinion, it is best to consider getting one session per week. You will probably find that Reiki treatments can help by reducing tension and stress in the affected areas. If you have had an accident, or have experienced head, neck and back pain over a long period of time, regular Reiki treatments for a longer period of time may be something you wish to consider. It will always depend on the root cause of the issue. In all cases, Reiki treatments will help ensure the flow of energy up and down your spine. This energy flow is essential for balanced health.

Remember that it is always possible that you experience what people sometimes call a healing incident after a reiki session. This phenomena can include some mild discomfort, as the body gets rid of energy that it no longer needs. As with all health conditions, it is important to continue any treatment you are already receiving from qualified medical practitioners.

Psychological Issues

Since Reiki also works on the mental level in addition to the physical level, you may experience relief from psychological issues when receiving Reiki treatments. Start with one session per week for 4 weeks, and then talk to your Reiki master to see if more are recommended. Most of the time, clients will experience and almost immediate relief of stress and tension when the treatment begins. As with all conditions, if the issues your are experiencing are long standing or deep seated, you may want to plan to have a Reiki session once weekly over an extended period. People have reported relief from such conditions as anxiety, depression or simply a sense of sadness.

As in all cases, you should also consult a medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional when facing such issues. Reiki should not replace the care you receive from these professions, but rather complement it. I always encourage clients to seek counselling when appropriate.

Karmic Healing With Reiki

The word karma simply means action. This implies that when we take any action, that action causes a reaction. Whether that reaction is positive or negative depends on the nature of the action taken. Many traditions believe that we incur positive or negative karma as a result of how we think act and speak. Karma can be the result of actions we have taken in this life, or in previous lives. The result of negative karma may include physical illnesses or other imbalances in your being. However, you may feel the effects of karma in any area of your life.  That is why it is important to remember that Reiki is not only a system of healing, but also a system that can help you experience a greater sense of self awareness. This includes awareness of your karmic issues.

Reiki can therefore be especially helpful in getting to the root of such imbalances.  By attuning ourselves with universal energy, we can begin to experience greater awareness of actions that have caused us to incur negative karma. This is because the attunements “lift the veil”, so to speak, on the presence of Reiki in our life and bring us closer to the universe. We can then find the courage to face these issues so that we can eventually resolve these issues.

When working on conditions with karmic causes, the Reiki practitioner can send the energy to the root causes. They can do so even if the root cause was in a previous incarnation  Daily meditation on the 5 Reiki principles will also help you practice forgiveness and acceptance. For karmic issues, you can also begin by planning for four sessions. However, you might begin to see an improvement after only a single session.

Physiological Issues

In most cases, there is a spiritual or energetic component to any physical imbalances in the body. However, energetic imbalances might take years to manifest as physical ailments. This is why it is important to have a good attitude in general. Addressing issues such as hate, fear, or other conditions are of paramount importance. Medical science has since come to understand the impacts these negative emotions can have on the physical body. This is why the power of positive thinking has become common knowledge. However, it is always important to note that simply deciding that one is not not going to harbor negative emotions is not enough. This will only cause you to give more energy to these emotions. This is where regular Reiki session can help by providing a means to manage your emotions.

In addition, it is always helpful to seek out medical advice from qualified professionals, such as dieticians and naturopaths, who can help ensure that what are eating or drinking is not contributing to the problem. Often times, when the condition is addressed on multiple levels (diet, exercise, herbs recommended by a naturopath or similar treatments), one or two Reiki sessions will be enough to notice a marked improvement. Of course, conventional medicine also plays an important role. You should always seek advice from a qualified doctor when facing physical issues. It is very helpful to develop a comprehensive treatment plan with all of your providers.

A good example that illustrates this point would be the case of migraines. It is well known that consuming certain substances, such as caffeine or alcohol, may contribute to migraines. Other dietary factors, such as too much red meat or dairy products may also play a role. In these cases, the help of a registered dietician and be instrumental in bringing about an improvement, in addition to regular Reiki sessions to reduce stress. You may also want to investigate other modalities, such as acupuncture and chiropractic care. Again, it is best to begin with 4 Reiki sessions and then decide with your Reiki master whether additional sessions are needed.

Other Specific Conditions

Because of its potential impact on the autonomic nervous system, as well as its ability to reduce stress and promote well-being, Reiki may be able to help you manage additional conditions. If you would like to know how many Reiki sessions are needed for these conditions, and how Reiki may be able to help, please check out the following articles:

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the number of Reiki sessions you will need depend on a number of different factors. The nature and cause of your condition are both very important. Your Reiki master should use your intuition to guide you. However, even this should not be a replacement for your own inner guidance. As you continue to have Reiki sessions, or if you have attunements, you will you will find that your intuition becomes stronger. So talk to your Reiki master, and be open to your own intuition. If you do so, you will be able to determine how many Reiki sessions you need.



Why Usui Reiki Symbols Should Remain Secret

Why The Usui Reiki Symbols Should Remain Secret

In the beginning, Dr. Usui kept the Reiki symbols secret.  Mrs. Takata and Dr. Hayashi also did not share them, except with those to whom they taught Reiki. However, in recent years, there has been a proliferation of different types and schools of Reiki, as well as approaches to teaching and handling of Reiki treatments. Masters pass on Reiki primarily via an oral tradition, so it is quite normal that each master has made tweaks and modifications along the way. Every Reiki master has their own approach and brings their own belief to bear. However, we must also remember that Reiki is initiatic in nature. This means that the healing energy only begins to flow once the student has had an initiation and has become attuned to it, or initiated into the system of Reiki.

It is the attunement, this initiation, that is often the catalyst for many profound changes in the person’s life. Many who have experienced a Reiki attunement report such changes,  as a spiritual awakening,  greater clarity and increased self awareness. Intuition often becomes sharper and some dream more vividly or more often. Some also report improvements in physical conditions. These changes are the result of greater sensitivity to the universal life energy, the energy that dwells in all of us. This is the power of Reiki. This is also many people say that the attunement experience, as well as the Reiki symbols, are sacred.

Initiation and Reiki

For centuries, people seeking greater knowledge of self and of universal laws have walked the path of initiation. Reiki is not the only spiritual system that is initiatic in nature. Throughout history, there have been mystery schools whose mission it is to communicate spiritual teachings to their students. Traditions as Freemasonry, Hermeticism, the The Order Of Christian Mystics have also used initiation to impress deep spiritual truths on the being of individuals. In this way, Reiki attunements, like other types of initiation, can reveal such deep truths about oneself and the world on the consciousness of the student. Often this process prompts the student to begin listening to their inner voice. That this process has a profound effect on the student’s life should be evident. Once changes are made internally, external changes are bound to follow.

These changes are mostly very gradual and their effects make themselves noticed slowly over time. As the student works more and more with Reiki energy, they will grow as human beings and as healers, and their capacity to help themselves and others will increase. They will feel drawn to use the energy in this capacity. If the student eventually becomes a Reiki master, he or she may even decide to dedicate their life to Reiki. Thus, the attunement process is both very powerful and extremely personal.

The Importance Of Being Ready

There is a well-known saying that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This perfectly describes the process of learning Reiki. When the student is ready, the right Reiki master for that student will appear. That is not to say that you should sit around waiting until a Reiki master contacts you out of the blue. Rather, if you feel ready to allow Reiki to enter your life, you should be proactive in seeking a Reiki master. When the time and circumstances are right, you will find the right Reiki master for you. This will only happen when you are ready. If you are not yet ready, you will notice that many distractions and obstacles appear that prevent you from learning Reiki. However, when you are really ready, nothing will stand in your way.

The concept of readiness also applies to the Reiki symbols. If the student sees the symbols before they are ready, their meaning will be impossible to grasp. The symbols will not be effective, and the student, or those seeing the symbols may even doubt their effectiveness. In other words, presenting the symbols to a person who is not ready for them weakens their effectiveness for that person. Because the symbols have vibrations of their own, I also believe that repeatedly revealing them to those who are not ready will weaken them collectively. It is not that people will not be able to use them during Reiki sessions, but that the reverence that students and practitioners hold for them in their consciousness will be lost.

On the other hand, when the student is ready to receive them, the symbols will represent a powerful way in which to work with the Reiki energy. They also offer a powerful opportunity for students to enhance their spiritual development.

Why The Usui Reiki Symbols Should Be Kept Secret

From this, it should be clear that the Reiki student has much to learn. In addition, through the attunement process, we must allow ourselves time to re-integrate ourselves with the universal energy. We must always further develop our self-awareness during this process. In this way, we can remember how to love and how to serve others. The progress is always slow. It cannot be forced. It cannot be rushed and must only ever be done when a person is ready for it. Until such time, the Reiki symbols should be kept secret in order to preserve their power and the effectiveness for those who are ready to receive them and use them for the highest good.


It should be clear that Reiki is a powerful means for improving one’s life. The Usui Reiki symbols are one aspect that can make Reiki even more effective. When revealed to the student who is ready to allow Reiki into their life, the symbols allow us to better harness and direct the power of Reiki. We can then use it as an even greater power for good. Even though Reiki symbols are not effective without the attunement that goes along with them, the symbols should be kept secret until such time as the student understands how to incorporate Reiki into their life and how to grow in the energy. The student should have a full understanding of the meaning of these symbols and how to use them before they are revealed. Only then can there be a full appreciation of their significance.