
Why Usui Reiki Symbols Should Remain Secret

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Why The Usui Reiki Symbols Should Remain Secret

In the beginning, Dr. Usui kept the Reiki symbols secret.  Mrs. Takata and Dr. Hayashi also did not share them, except with those to whom they taught Reiki. However, in recent years, there has been a proliferation of different types and schools of Reiki, as well as approaches to teaching and handling of Reiki treatments. Masters pass on Reiki primarily via an oral tradition, so it is quite normal that each master has made tweaks and modifications along the way. Every Reiki master has their own approach and brings their own belief to bear. However, we must also remember that Reiki is initiatic in nature. This means that the healing energy only begins to flow once the student has had an initiation and has become attuned to it, or initiated into the system of Reiki.

It is the attunement, this initiation, that is often the catalyst for many profound changes in the person’s life. Many who have experienced a Reiki attunement report such changes,  as a spiritual awakening,  greater clarity and increased self awareness. Intuition often becomes sharper and some dream more vividly or more often. Some also report improvements in physical conditions. These changes are the result of greater sensitivity to the universal life energy, the energy that dwells in all of us. This is the power of Reiki. This is also many people say that the attunement experience, as well as the Reiki symbols, are sacred.

Initiation and Reiki

For centuries, people seeking greater knowledge of self and of universal laws have walked the path of initiation. Reiki is not the only spiritual system that is initiatic in nature. Throughout history, there have been mystery schools whose mission it is to communicate spiritual teachings to their students. Traditions as Freemasonry, Hermeticism, the The Order Of Christian Mystics have also used initiation to impress deep spiritual truths on the being of individuals. In this way, Reiki attunements, like other types of initiation, can reveal such deep truths about oneself and the world on the consciousness of the student. Often this process prompts the student to begin listening to their inner voice. That this process has a profound effect on the student’s life should be evident. Once changes are made internally, external changes are bound to follow.

These changes are mostly very gradual and their effects make themselves noticed slowly over time. As the student works more and more with Reiki energy, they will grow as human beings and as healers, and their capacity to help themselves and others will increase. They will feel drawn to use the energy in this capacity. If the student eventually becomes a Reiki master, he or she may even decide to dedicate their life to Reiki. Thus, the attunement process is both very powerful and extremely personal.

The Importance Of Being Ready

There is a well-known saying that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This perfectly describes the process of learning Reiki. When the student is ready, the right Reiki master for that student will appear. That is not to say that you should sit around waiting until a Reiki master contacts you out of the blue. Rather, if you feel ready to allow Reiki to enter your life, you should be proactive in seeking a Reiki master. When the time and circumstances are right, you will find the right Reiki master for you. This will only happen when you are ready. If you are not yet ready, you will notice that many distractions and obstacles appear that prevent you from learning Reiki. However, when you are really ready, nothing will stand in your way.

The concept of readiness also applies to the Reiki symbols. If the student sees the symbols before they are ready, their meaning will be impossible to grasp. The symbols will not be effective, and the student, or those seeing the symbols may even doubt their effectiveness. In other words, presenting the symbols to a person who is not ready for them weakens their effectiveness for that person. Because the symbols have vibrations of their own, I also believe that repeatedly revealing them to those who are not ready will weaken them collectively. It is not that people will not be able to use them during Reiki sessions, but that the reverence that students and practitioners hold for them in their consciousness will be lost.

On the other hand, when the student is ready to receive them, the symbols will represent a powerful way in which to work with the Reiki energy. They also offer a powerful opportunity for students to enhance their spiritual development.

Why The Usui Reiki Symbols Should Be Kept Secret

From this, it should be clear that the Reiki student has much to learn. In addition, through the attunement process, we must allow ourselves time to re-integrate ourselves with the universal energy. We must always further develop our self-awareness during this process. In this way, we can remember how to love and how to serve others. The progress is always slow. It cannot be forced. It cannot be rushed and must only ever be done when a person is ready for it. Until such time, the Reiki symbols should be kept secret in order to preserve their power and the effectiveness for those who are ready to receive them and use them for the highest good.


It should be clear that Reiki is a powerful means for improving one’s life. The Usui Reiki symbols are one aspect that can make Reiki even more effective. When revealed to the student who is ready to allow Reiki into their life, the symbols allow us to better harness and direct the power of Reiki. We can then use it as an even greater power for good. Even though Reiki symbols are not effective without the attunement that goes along with them, the symbols should be kept secret until such time as the student understands how to incorporate Reiki into their life and how to grow in the energy. The student should have a full understanding of the meaning of these symbols and how to use them before they are revealed. Only then can there be a full appreciation of their significance.